PhD Position to Perform Research in Clinical Immunology and Investigate Mechanism of the Disease

Job Offers
2018-08-01 00:00 - 2018-09-30 00:00
Site internet

Primary immunodeficiency disorders (PID) are monogenic diseases of the immune system. These affections give rise to complex diseases with a wide range of susceptibility to infections. From the innate to adaptive immune system every aspect of the immune response can be affected in PID. Moreover, PIDs encompass not only deficiencies in immune activation, but also deficiencies in immune regulation, which manifest with inappropriate excessive reactions with autoimmune or autoinflammatory manifestations. 

However, in clinical practice, most young patients with invasive infections or severe autoimmune diseases are never given a definitive genetic diagnosis, and it is estimated that up to 3000 different genes might be implicated in PID, 90% of which remain to be discovered. 

Therefore, more efforts need to be made to identify new genes implicated in PID. To this aim, in this project, we are studying clinical cases of suspected PID using whole genome sequencing in parallel with further functional validation using state-of-the-art technologies such as advanced flow cytometry immunophenotyping platform and single cells RNA sequencing.


  • Applicants should hold a Master degree (or equivalent) in biology, health sciences or a related discipline, Doctor in Medicine is a strong advantage
  • Motivation to perform top clinical immunology and mechanistic disease research
  • Motivation to build a research career
  • Strong academic record (in the top 20% of your group)
  • Bioinformatics experience is a plus.
  • Enjoy working in a team and communicating

We offer

  • A stimulating research environment in an internationally recognized research group who is embedded in the infrastructure of the VIB and KUL.
  • An exciting research project
  • Access to state-of-the-art infrastructure and possibility to invest in new infrastructure as needed
  • Start date: as soon as possible – the position is immediately available
  • Funding is available. However, students are expected to apply for fellowships.

How to apply?

Please complete the online application procedure and include a detailed CV and the coordinates of two references should be mentioned.

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Information on the laboratory:


Université de Namur    Université Catholique de Louvain    Université libre de Bruxelles    Université de Mons    Université de Liège

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